Dolga reber 23a, Koper
Za drugi semester grem na Erasmus, zato iščem punco, ki bi prišla namesto mene v to stanovanje. Apartma je za dve osebi. Tam bo že živelo ena punca. Postelji sta ločeni, le na sliki sta skupaj. Mesečni stroški naj bi bili med 25-50 eur. Všeč vam bo razgled in vrt, kjer lahko popijete jutranjo kavo :) Lahko mi pišete na whatsapp/viber/telegram
I am going for erasmus for the second semester so I am looking for a girl to come on my place in this apartment. The apartment is for two people. There already will be one girl living there. The beds are separate, only in the picture they are put together. Monthly expenses should be between 25-50euros. You will love the view and there is a garden where you can have your morning coffee :) You can write me on whatsapp/viber/telegram