Primerno za mednarodne študente ERASMUS izmenjava v obdobju februar - junij 2025. V strogem centru Kopra v neposredni bližini fakultet oddamo trisobno stranovanje v Valvazorjevi ulici 17 primerno za 3 študente. Več o stanovanju je razvidno iz priloženih slik. Cena je 350 z vključenimi stroški. Varščina znaša 300 eur. Čas oddaje februar - junij 2025. Kontakt: ali 041/339-030.
Suitable for international students ERASMUS exchange in the period February - June 2025. In the very center of Koper, in the immediate vicinity of the faculties, we rent a three-room apartment at Valvazorjeva ulica 17, suitable for 3 students. More about the apartment can be seen in the attached pictures. The price is 350 with costs included. The deposit is 300 euros. Rental period February - June 2025. Contact: or 041/339-030.